Five Telehealth Services That Make Life Easier

Over the past few years, one of the most significant innovations impacting healthcare in America is the massive expansion of online telehealth services. And given the numerous benefits and conveniences telehealth has to offer, that trend shows no signs of slowing down! From increasing access to specialists to reducing the spread of germs among vulnerable populations, the advantages of telehealth are considerable.

Below we highlight five well-regarded telehealth services, all of which are accessible with Ethos Broadband’s high-speed fiber internet. We also touch on the telehealth industry’s tremendous growth over the past few years. Whether you’re looking for a faster prescription medication refill or just needing professional advice on whether to take your child or loved one to a clinic for more urgent care, you’ll likely find that telehealth really does make life both easier and more efficient for you and your family!

Telehealth’s Enormous Expansion

Given the benefits discussed above, it’s no wonder that more and more patients are enjoying telehealth platforms. In 2022, about 25% of all patients took advantage of telehealth services. Compared to pre-2020 figures (i.e., pre-Covid), that represents a fivefold increase from just 5% usage by patients! And the convenience and advantages keep attracting new patients to telehealth, both in America and around the world.

Indeed, according to one study, overall global telehealth revenue in 2023 was estimated at a whopping $120.4 billion. That same study anticipated total revenue will reach $285.7 billion by 2028, a staggering figure representing over 23% growth in just five years.

Five Recommended Telehealth Services

Having considered the value of telehealth services and seen how incredibly fast the industry is growing, we now turn to our list of five telehealth platforms we can recommend.

  1. Teladoc

Our first recommended telehealth service is also among the most comprehensive on our list: Teladoc. One of the original pioneers of telehealth in the early 2000’s, Teladoc provides a variety of health and medical needs at all hours, so you can reach out to Teladoc when you need their expertise no matter the time of the day (or night). Teladoc has been particularly recognized for its mental health services, so patients considering online therapy may want to check out its offerings.

  1. Amwell

Another thorough and nearly complete telehealth service to consider is Amwell. Best known for its collaboration with the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, Amwell is also well-regarded for its Second Opinion Service. For patients seeking another expert or diagnostician to provide an opinion or prognosis after a previous diagnosis, Amwell might be a good option. Keep in mind, however, that Amwell and its additional services are on the pricier side, though they work with many kinds of insurance, as well. 

  1. Doctor on Demand

Like Teladoc and Amwell, Doctor on Demand also offers access to physicians and medical professionals 24 hours a day seven days a week, making it easy to get appointments fairly fast. Doctor on Demand’s offerings tend to be somewhat more expensive than others, but its services are highly rated by users and are quite varied. Fun fact: One of the original founders of Doctor on Demand is the famous television personality Dr. Phil McGraw (“Dr. Phil”).

  1. Sesame Care

The most budget-friendly option on our list is Sesame Care. With Sesame Care’s online visits costing as low as $29 each, patients looking for more affordable telehealth will want to check it out.  Sesame Care recently partnered with Costco, whose members receive even better pricing. Unlike the other telehealth services we recommend, Sesame Care does not employ an app to conduct consultations. Simply navigate to its website in a browser and follow the steps to book an appointment.

  1. K Health

Our last recommended telehealth service is K Health, which is particularly useful for assessing and understanding your own symptoms. Utilizing the massive quantities of diagnostic and statistical data from many millions of other patients, K Health helps similarly situated patients determine when they may need more intensive health care interventions. Like the other services above, it also provides telehealth through appointments on its app and website.

The five telehealth services highlighted above provide both convenience and peace-of-mind to patients. Of course, a connection to a reliable high-speed internet service, like Ethos Broadband’s fiber network, is essential.

Indeed, it’s not uncommon for doctors to decline to make a diagnosis if the video connection just isn’t clear enough to assess the patient’s condition and symptoms with confidence. Only fiber internet has both the necessary speeds and generous bandwidth to convey the large amounts of data—video, voice, test results, medical charts, etc.—telehealth consultations require, and without interruptions that impede a proper medical assessment.

In this way, fiber ensures distortion-free video conferencing and clear communication between patient and healthcare professionals no matter which telehealth service you choose.

For a fiber internet connection you and your family can rely on, call us 833-650-0480 today.

Held Hostage: Protect Your Small to Midsize Business from Cyber Attacks

Held Hostage: Protect Your Small to Midsize Business from Cyber Attacks

It’s one of every small business owner’s worst nightmares: opening a laptop or other device and discovering that ransomware or some other cyber attack is extorting their data and information. And with cyber attacks on the rise, more and more small and midsize businesses are coming to grips with the need to step up their own online and digital security.

At Ethos Broadband, we take cybersecurity extremely seriously, doing all we can to safeguard our high-speed fiber network at its source and keep it as reliable as possible. But individual internet users, including small businesses, must take precautions, too. We detail below six of the best ways small and midsize businesses can keep their devices, networks, and data—including their customers’ most sensitive information—protected from cyberattack.

  1. Install Anti-Virus Software on Your Devices

Believe it or not, many small businesses fail to ensure that all their devices are properly protected with strong anti-virus software. While keeping the main server protected is paramount, other devices like laptops and tablets (and yes, even cell phones) also need protection, as well.

McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky, and Bitdefender are four of the most popular and well-regarded anti-virus software programs available, and many small businesses rely on them. These companies stay on top of cyber threats as they emerge and have features and options to better customize protection depending on your business’ particular needs and potential exposure.

  1. Keep Your Software Updated

Your anti-virus software is only as protective as it is updated—so be sure to keep on top of it by regularly checking for and installing updates. But don’t forget to update the built-in security settings of your devices as well!

Operating systems, such as Windows and Mac, dedicate entire teams of software engineers and programmers to outwit clever cyber criminals and their latest schemes. They also test for previously unknown vulnerabilities in their operating systems’ codes, which necessitate frequent updates to overcome.

Though it can be a hassle to plan software updates for your business (and getting staff members to do so, as well), do not neglect this necessary part of doing business in the 21st century!

  1. Establish a Firewall

After installing anti-virus software, another way to make your small business’ cybersecurity more robust is to set up a firewall. Firewalls protect your system from viruses, malware, and ransomware before they enter the company’s network and jeopardize the devices and data connected to it. In a sense, the two measures—firewalls and anti-virus software—perform similar and complementary functions at different points in your system’s security.

A firewall helps prevent cyberthreats from even breaking through your system and network, while anti-virus software identifies and eliminates them once they are already infected. Hence, ideally, a savvy small business will employ both anti-virus software and a firewall to improve overall protection.

  1. Require—and Enforce—a Strong Password Policy for All Staff

Let’s face it—no one wants to remember onerous and lengthy passwords when logging into devices and applications. But as annoying as it is, strong passwords really do make a significant difference in small business cybersecurity. Thus, it is essential that everyone in the business employs difficult and unique passwords for their login credentials.

And no, the family dog’s name with an “!” won’t cut it—especially if it’s also being used for every streaming TV channel, shopping app, and social media login already! Discussing the importance of strong passwords with your team is critical, as is modeling good behavior by regularly changing the passwords of even the most senior staff—and even the business’ owner, too.

  1. Consider Encryption

For businesses handling a large amount of sensitive information from customers and other third parties—especially credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, and banking details—encrypting that data is essential.

There are many professional encryption software options available for small businesses. You’ll want to check out the details for more specific information and pricing to find the best fit. But make sure that the encryption “key” is also kept in a safe and easily accessible place, as well!

  1. Set Up a VPN

Our final suggestion is to establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which can make remote access to the business’ server and network by staff much more protected. Once enabled, a VPN securely transmits all the data sent from and received by the business’ devices online through a secure “tunnel,” before reaching a private server, where that same data is encrypted before being sent out again on the internet.

According to many cybersecurity experts, businesses employing remote workers or staff that travel or work from public areas like airports, hotels, or coffee shops should view VPNs as a requirement, not an option. But any business can benefit from the extra level of protection a VPN offers.

It’s easy to get comfortable and let your guard down—but you’ve worked too hard to let cyber criminals take it all away from you. Implement these six steps as soon as possible to keep your company protected.

And if you haven’t already, be sure to call us at 833-650-0480 to find out how you can get your business connected to the fastest, most reliable internet network in New Mexico!